
Rant, rave, whine, but behave! That's the story of Doree. And in the right corner is my new bff, Oliver. (isn't he just the cutiest little bug - such a cuddly bear) I hate depression. It is the most obnoxious, inconsiderate mind mutilation of all time. When it stops by, I get no warning. Just a how do you do, I'm here for you. And, not once has my little pain ever clued me in on the length of it's intended visit. The ever popular bad penny, wooden nickle or rotten egg drops it's crappy luggage and hankers down in my favorite chair. For the next while, I am a servant to it's every whim. If I thought for even a second that I would be able to work, I was wrong. Relax, get a hair cut, have coffee with my friends, oh no, not gonna happen. You see, depression tends to recruit those around you. If you're down, they are encouraged to join you. Jokes, oh, no sir, those you'll be checking in at the door. Smiles and happy thoughts are off limits. I am it's hos
Truths and Lies and Games, Oh My! Author Amber Scott tagged me in a fun, get to know an author game. To play, the author can either do 6 lies and a truth or 6 truths and a lie. You, the reader, get to guess which version I picked and, accordingly, which is the lie or which is the truth. It’s a ton of fun. The person who can guess mine accurately will receive a $40.00 gift card to the Cheesecake Factory for a 'dinner by me.' Here goes: 1) My career test in high school stated that I would make an excellent Catholic school teacher. 2) I was a model for the Sears clothing catalog. 3) During my years in school, only one teacher ever pronounced my name correctly. 4) When I was twelve, I had to have my left leg pulled down and into alignment from standing too long. 5) Neil Diamond requested the lyrics to a song I had written a couple of years ago, he didn't buy it though. 6) I was born head down in a hospital bedpan. 7) I was a member of a singing group that performed in four
2010 Graduations. How many will you attend this year. My brother and I drove down to Las Vegas on the 7th of June to attend my nephew, Bryan Necessary's graduation from UNLV. This year, the number of graduates receiving diploma's was such a fantastic number that the university divided up their colleges into two ceremonies. So, on Saturday, the day of the commencement exercises, Bryan's Liberal Arts College was scheduled for 2:00. (I really would have preferred the 9:00 am time slot, but then I am just a minor incident as an aunt - the smallest pest known to man). We left Salt Lake at 55 degrees and ended up in Vegas at 76 degrees on Friday. Saturday out did it's self... 88 degree's as we waited outside of the Thomas and Mack center for my sister and her family to find us. It was hot. Not as hot as it would get, but, hot! The commencement exercises started promptly at 2:00 pm (very impressive) but they didn't start with the graduate class names until 4:00. Needle
DNA Testing/Character Resemblance *Note: the picture on the left has nothing to do with DNA testing, I just thought it was great! :-) So, you're doing your character sketch and wondering about the genetics of recessive eye coloring. You have two people with blue eyes, so what color would the babies be? Blue. Why? Blue is a recessive gene. In order to disrupt the blue gene, you need to sprinkle in a dominant color, i.e. brown. The scientific explanation is below: This is the simplest case of dominance. The allele that produced the working protein would be dominant over the allele that produced the defective protein. Individuals with two copies of the working allele and individuals with one copy of the working and one copy of the defective allele would both be able to produce working protein. Only individuals with two copies of the defective allele would be unable to produce working protein. The allele that produces this defective protein would be recessive to the allele that prod
A New Outlook or...Never Stop Learning Yes sir ree! I ate lotsa goodies for Easter. Peeps - I sure love them peeps. Not so much them green ones, they just don't look quite right. Wish it had been prettier weather. Would have liked to catch me some of them cute little bunnies...I mean Easter eggs, yeah-wrangle me up a mess of good looking, pretty, colorful Easter eggs. That's Right!! Hope everyone had a great Easter. My husband and I enjoyed "The Blind Side" Easter Sunday afternoon and I must say, that was a very good movie. I love Sandra Bullock. Have watched almost all of her movies, but I don't really see 'award winner' here. Her role, (don't get me wrong) was great. A hard nosed, do as I say, yet big heart'ed Christian woman is truly outside of my expertise. I'm just saying that Tim McGraw, Kathy Bates and Quinton Aaron did a fantastic job as well. Bravo to all. I especially loved the little brother-what a kid! On to the importance of my blo
Dean Wendell Anderson We placed a man to rest today, A man as fine as wine, He'll forever be a part of us, As we live out our time. We said goodbye, and kissed his cheek, his children one
Adapting to our environment : How often do you notice that people in the same family take on the same mannerisms? How many times have you seen humans and their dogs take on a resemblance in each others personality? Well, here is a good example of the adopted becoming one with their family. This picture of the meerkats reminds me of the game on Sesame Street: One of these things are different than the other; can you tell which one. Yes, the cat. Yet, when you take a look at the family, you see them all reflecting the same mannerisms. The cat has learned to sit on its haunches and balance with the front legs dangling down, the ears are laid back and the head is held perfectly in position. But, could this feral cat stand up fully erect like the one at the end? Yes, because we are all taught how to crawl and then stand by our family. I think this shows that animals don't discriminate. If another animal isn't aggressive or reflect a sense of danger, they accept them. We are raised