Dean Wendell Anderson
We placed a man to rest today,
A man as fine as wine,
He'll forever be a part of us,
As we live out our time.
We said goodbye, and kissed
his cheek, his children one
by one. We spoke of him in
words of praise for all that he had done.
Four children, he had fathered
with discipline and praise.
We'll remember him for all we've learned
beside him night and day.
For now we'll say farewell to you
A soldier, friend, our dad;
For eternity, you're with our mom
And for that, our hearts are glad.
Born: January 19, 1917 Died March 5, 2010 at the age of 93
Sleep well, our gentle soul, tears of pain we shed. But we all know, we'll see you soon and that my friend's not bad. Your loving daughter-in-law, 3/10/2010
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