
"People on the outside think there's something magical about writing, that you go up in the attic at midnight and cast the bones and come down in the morning with a story, but it isn't like that. You sit in back of the typewriter and you work, and that's all there is to it"...Harlan Ellison Writers write because we can, we need to, we have to. Or, because, why not? When I write, I try and envision what my goal is as I set up my characters and their GMC; Novella, novel, short story or just putting ink to paper and doodling. But, it is what I see that goes down. Not what someone tells me to write. Example: Write a story about the Botanical Gardens in Arizona. No. Why not? Because, I've never been to the Botanical Gardens in Arizona and therefore I can't pretend and frankly, the only words I'd be able to supply are:"It's probably a very pretty place with lots of colors and smells." about wri

Hannibal Haven

Care to take a trip? Picture yourself at the entrance to Hannibal, Missouri. That's right, beneath the statue of Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn. Take a picture - it's worth it. Now continue walking down the hill to the Mississippi River. Have a seat, yes, on the ground, and look out at the tree filled island east of where you're at. Okay, if you're going to whine about the mud, move south down the shoreline to the marina where they load and unload the riverboat. Pull up a chair. It is late May, the humidity is climbing but tolerable. It's a warm 86 degrees, the sky is clear and there is a gentle breeze. (the tornado isn't due for at least another two days, and it looks like it will be south of us - feel better? Good, lets continue) Now,'re sights are on the tree cover island. Huck is mumbling on about Indian Joe and all you can think about is getting a solid five skips on a rock across the calm river. No worries about the decline in the market, the