Tired? Now you see it, now you don't. Yes, they'll do it, then they won't. Will there be a school next year or not. They formed a board, they spoke at district meetings, they pleaded for the opportunity to educate or to learn and yet... Granite High School is closing their doors for the second time. But not to the general public. This time it is closing the educational rights of the destitute student who would never get ahead in a larger school. It is closing to foreigners who have just arrived and speak little to no English. It is closing to the students who are being cared for through foster homes and state custody. It is closing to students that want an education but have a hard time competing with the large volume of students who's parents can afford the football, dance, baseball, cheerleading registration costs. It kind of makes me mad. Now that there is this 'Everyone has a right to an education' act, those who really want to learn are crammed into classr...
Showing posts from June, 2009