
Showing posts from October, 2010


NANOWRIMO This is the most exciting time for me. I love November 1st and a chance to sit my patootie in the old chair and pound out another novel. I try to get at least three manuscripts written per year and having a whole month dedicated to just writing is fantastic. I call everyone I know and tell them that, phone calls are not answer. Leave a message and after I have completed 2500 words that day, I’ll call ‘em back. The door bell is disconnected and a sign on the door that reads “Children at Work, Parent’s Home Schooling” keeps those pesky little salesmen away. I already have a “no Soliciting” sign, but for some reason, salespeople seem to feel that it’s for everyone on but themselves. I’ll run the vacuum cleaner and mop over floors on the sly. Nothing is scheduled, all is done my medical necessity. I’ve read my books, brainstormed my ideas and set up my ‘fresh thoughts 10′ directory so…Bring it on. I’m hoping that by next November, I can be where all the other mama’s are… publish...
For a laparoscopic Colonoscopy, they no longer use the good memory forgetting drug of versade. So why would I think that if I fell down a few steps, they’d give me morphine. Pain is pain, I don’t care who you are. What’s happening with the world today? Michael Jackson takes a forever trip down anesthetic avenue and the rest of the world suffers. Not fair. Even a tiny nibble of codine or percocet would have been preferable. But no, I get the aspirin free, anti-inflammatory meds. (yeah, they worked) Life is not fair. Down the stairs of my house from the upstairs rooms to the living room, the rail is on the left side. Going down from the living room to the family room, the rail is on the right side. Since I have lived here for twenty-one years, this is not an ‘All of a sudden’ situation. So, tell my head that. Yesterday, I suffered a mild attach of the forgotten. I forgot that the hand rail was on the right side. At the same time, my left leg forgot to follow my right leg down the stairs....